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Recipes cards

Originally, I created these recipe cards for my own needs. I had realized that it was not very convenient to follow a recipe by watching a video. So I designed a card for each of my videos, including all the information I might need when reproducing the dessert in question.
Each recipe is meticulously detailed in a step-by-step version.
I also provide additional details such as tips, explanations, tricks or slightly more conventional recipes.

When you purchase a recipe card, an email will be sent to you with a download link. This link is also accessible via your account in the “Download” section.
You can download it as many times as you wish without any time limit.

If you want to become a VIP and have access to all my recipe cards for life, simply purchase the complete pack available from the “Shop – Complete Set” menu.

Yes, by purchasing a gift card for $79 available from the “Shop – Gift Card” menu. The recipient will receive an email with a discount code that they can use during their purchase.

Although I’ve carefully reviewed each recipe card, it is possible that  a few  errors have been overlooked. In this case, please do not hesitate to let me know so that I can make corrections and update the card. As the download link is permanent, you will be able to download the latest version of the card again.

You don’t find an answer?

Do not hesitate to ask me your question directly.

Why become a VIP?

When you purchase the complete pack, you are identified as a VIP member and therefore, you automatically have access to all recipe cards. This means that you have access to all current cards, as well as those to come (in my future videos).

As a VIP member, a new menu “VIP ACCESS ” appears and gives you access to all the recipe cards. These remain downloadable individually!

It should be noted that creating one recipe card takes several hours of work, and they are not set in stone. This means that they may also evolve or be corrected over time. In fact, if I learn new things, I make it a point to update my recipe card to always be up-to-date. My best example is the galette des rois, where I refine my technique every year. Needless to say, I am obliged to write down everything so as not to forget anything for the following year. Finally, what books or recipe cards can boast this type of evolution?


Any purchase requires registration on the website. This registration is automatically done during the checkout process. An email confirmation (with a request for password creation) will be automatically sent to you upon your first order.

Orders are associated with a unique email-based identification account, so unless you give that person access to your account, it is not possible. The solution is to offer them a gift card which will allow them to order what they want and create their own account.

As soon as your payment has been validated, you will receive a confirmation email with the download link.