Who am I?
Even though I rarely appear in my videos, it is nevertheless true that I exist!
My little story
It all begins in April 2016
Hello and welcome to my blog dedicated to pastry for home bakers.
My name is Dominique, I am a computer scientist and I am 51 years old as I’m writing this article.
I started making pastry 6 years ago, in April 2016 to be precise. And since then, you could say that I have been living a true passion.
In fact, my journey is quite unusual. Before becoming passionate about pastry, I used to practice bodybuilding regularly.
I had a very strict lifestyle, where for more than 10 years I weighed my food to know the amount and type of calories I ingested daily.
I alternated between significant weight gains and extreme cuts (a term used to say that you lose fat while keeping as much muscle as possible). I could have variations of 15 kg in less than 6 months. My last preparation had the effect of opening my eyes!
After months of a protein-based diet, I had reached a completely appalling psychological and physical state. On the brink of depression and totally exhausted, I ended up dreaming about food.
And it was once I achieved my physical goal that I wanted to indulge myself by making my own lemon meringue pie. Needless to say, it was a failure.
That’s when I started to look closely at lemon tart recipes and bought my first cooking thermometer. I made this pie again and again until it matched exactly what I had in mind as a real lemon meringue pie. My progress was rapid and my imagination was in full swing. A new passion was born!
Just so you can put a face to “la Pâte de Dom”.
My first tart
As there’s a first time for everything, let me introduce you to my very first lemon meringue tart! Believe in yourself…
My life before
This is the physical appearance I had before I became passionate about pastry. But don’t worry, I still take care of myself. It’s now part of my lifestyle.
The passion
Never being satisfied forces me to always push further!
Actually, I went from one extreme to the other. Previously, you could say that I was selfish, narcissistic and completely unsociable; and pastry saved me in a way. It allowed me to reconnect with others by giving of myself! Now, I take pleasure in making others happy. My greatest reward is reflected in shining eyes, smiles and exclamations like “wow”!
I also love pastry for its limitless creative and artistic side! I have new creation ideas coming to my mind every day.
So, through this website, I hope to share my knowledge with you (in all modesty, because I am far from being a professional!) and save you from wasting your time.
Being completely self-taught, I had to try X recipes to get completely random results. Being very demanding and perpetually dissatisfied, all the recipes I publish have been validated and certified according to my own requirements and tastes!
If I had to choose only one pastry chef, it would be Amaury Guichon.
Do not hesitate to send me your own creations, because if I can contribute to your success, my goal will have been achieved.
Happy baking and have fun!!!
A short video clip
I had the chance to participate in the French TV show “Rois du Gâteau” (Kings of Pastry) in 2018.
I was able to present my signature cake, the “Cracahuète,” to chefs Lignac and Bau.
Turn up the volume to hear their feedback!